Daisy Chapman (UK) (www.daisychampan.com) + VKB BAND (https://vkbband.com/) #2
Do not miss Daisy Chapman touring Germany as part of the VKB BAND (https://vkbband.com/) by Jaro Medien in 2025
14.1. D – Bremen Sendesaal ( guest: Daisy Chapman)
15.1. D – Osnabrück Cinema Arthouse, Blue Note ( guest: Daisy Chapman)
16.1. D – Neustadt Schloß Landestrost ( guest: Daisy Chapman)
The VKB Band, also known as Vicki Kristina Barcelona, is a New York City based trio consisting of Rachelle Garniez, Amanda Homi and Kirsten Thien, three distinctive musicians who are all known as singer-songwriters and have a wealth of experience and have a wealth of experience.
On selected dates they will be supprted by the British pianist and singer Daisy Chapman. The four musicians will present their interpretations of the music of Tom Waits
Book your tickets for this unique concert experience now! A co-operation of the Bremen based Jaro Medien and ‘SONGS & WHISPERS’.
Reserve your tickets at https://tickets.sendesaal-bremen.de/event/16 now and look up further dates at Songkick https://www.songkick.com/artists/340137-daisy-chapman and enjoy the trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oyxObxbbLA please!
Daisy Chapman (UK) (www.daisychampan.com) releases on "SONGS & WHISPERS" / Broken Silence Check out our Bandcamp at https://songsandwhispers.bandcamp.com/ for more music too please.
Thank you!