"S&W" @ CLUB100 Bremen - live shows with Axel Kruse and Someday Jacob
Tuesday 25.05.2021; 20:00 (8pm)
Tickets for all live shows are available under: https://www.club100-bremen.de/programm-tickets.
This is the line-up of all upcoming shows so far:
Milliarden, CATT, Pohlmann, Botticelli Baby, Sofia Portanet, LIEDFETT, Slammer Filet, Grillmaster Flash, Dota, Gestört aber GeiL, Versengold, Ducks On Drugs, Watch Out, Stampede, Thees Uhlmann,
Ghøstkid, Madsen, Erotik Toy Records, Someday Jacob, Axel Kruse, Olli Schulz,
Funny van Dannen and Wirtz.
Watch out for further dates and acts please!